Talking to a Raspberry Pi from your Phone using Bottle (Python)

Here’s a short post on communicating with the raspberry from your phone’s browser.

Our goal is to turn an LED connected to the Pi on and off, by accessing a web page on the phone’s browser. Both the phone and the Pi are on the local WiFi network.

Here’s how we do it:

Start a web server on the Pi. For this, we will use the simple and elegant Bottle web framework, which consists of a single source file. Accessing the LED control web page displays a button, and clicking on it uses jQuery AJAX to send a request to the web server, which in turn changes the GPIO pin state to turn the LED on.

Here’s the code:


A simple example for communicating with a Raspberry Pi from you phone's
browser. Uses the Bottle Python web framework, and jQuery AJAX.
Author: Mahesh Venkitachalam /

from bottle import route, request, run, get

import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(18, False)

def led():
return '''

RPi LED Control


@route('/action', method='POST')
def action():
val = request.forms.get('strState')
on = bool(int(val))
GPIO.output(18, on)

run(host = '', port = '8080')

To start it, first run the server on your Pi. (You can ssh into your pi for this.)

pi@raspberrypi ~/code/python/bottle $ sudo python

Then, access the web page from your phone’s browser. In my case, the address is:

You can control the LED from anywhere as long as you are in the local network. This can also work, from outside provided you do port forwarding on your router. I plan to explore this myself.

This is the starting point for me for a Raspberry Pi based home monitor robot. Watch this site for updates on this topic!